About Us

The origins of Derby Uncovered can be traced back all the way to the early days of the internet in 1998.

Long before the advent of Facebook, Instagram and the like Derby Uncovered launched and presented to the world the fascinating and unique history and heritage of Derby and its surrounds. For over 4 years Derby Uncovered informed and entertained visitors from across the globe with the history of a city from its Roman times to the 21st century.

Fast forward to now and Derby Uncovered is back. Whatever you’re interested in regarding the history and heritage of Derby we’ve almost certainly got it covered here. As well as the wealth of content you see here right now rest assured – there’s even more to come.

You can contribute too – we are always on the lookout for fresh content and contributors to Derby Uncovered, so if you feel you have something you could add to the site and would like to see your work published then get in touch.

As with anything historical we have endeavoured to make sure that everything you see here is as accurate as it can possibly be. However, if you feel there’s anything we haven’t got correct, or you can shed even more light on anything we’ve published we’d also love to hear from you.

There’s more to come too – what you see here is nowhere near definitive and we will be adding more and more things on a regular basis – if you would like to be kept up to date with anything new then sign up here.

Most of all we hope that you enjoy looking through this site as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

The Derby Uncovered Team.